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“Phyllis Olins’ Conflict Crunch is an 8-step journey to our true selves. Through her process, we see that we can choose love, even in the most extraordinary of circumstances.”

 —Dr. Edith Eva Eger, Clinical Psychologist, Holocaust Survivor, and Best-Selling Author of The Choice


"I am so much more than grateful as I sit with how moved I am by the warmth, connectivity, love, sweetness and intelligence that flowed around the circle. Phyllis’ presentation was pithy, pertinent, and presented with grace, humility, and heart.  It nourished on multiple levels. Thank you for thinking of me and adding me to your inner circle for a day." 

                                                                         Enid Singer, trauma therapist and psychologist


"Phyllis is bold and honest and clear on arguably the most important topic for creating health, happiness and real power—conflict resolution. Her book makes this theoretical dream a replicable and doable reality."

                                                                        Mark Kalina, MD, Specialist in holistic primary care


"The Conflict Crunch is more than a process to handle conflict. It revolutionizes your entire life."

                                                                        Marni Freedman, author of Permission to Roar


Masters of Science in Educational Counseling 







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